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The Role Of Soft Power In Nigeria’s Foreign Policy Towards ECOWAS States, 2000-2023

dc.contributor.authorUtiome, John Ambrose
dc.description.abstractThis study examines how the role of soft power shaped Nigeria's foreign policy towards the ECOWAS member states between 2000 and 2023. It investigates the ways that Nigeria's four successive administrations Obasanjo, Yar'Adua- Jonathan, and Buhari, have consolidated their influence in this region through the use of peacekeeping, cultural diplomacy, educational exchanges, and humanitarian aid. The study evaluates major initiatives using a qualitative methodology, such as Nigeria's mediation in regional crises, support for educational and cultural exchanges, and leadership in ECOWAS peacekeeping missions. The results suggest that soft power has played a significant role in Nigeria's foreign policy, strengthening its leadership position in West Africa and promoting stability in the region. However, uneven application and internal issues have limited these strategies' effectiveness. This also study provides several policy recommendations, including the need for a more consistent and coordinated soft power strategy that aligns with Nigeria's broader foreign policy objectives, increased investment in cultural and educational programs that promote Nigerian values and culture throughout the region, and the importance of leveraging Nigeria's diaspora as a soft power asset. Furthermore, the research proposes that investigating how educational exchanges and youth programs can promote long-term ties and improve Nigeria's image among the next generation of ECOWAS leaders. This study concludes that, while Nigeria's soft power activities have increased its regional influence, there is still room for improvement to gain a more powerful leadership position within ECOWAS.en_UK
dc.publisherΜaster in International Relations, Strategy and Security, School of Social Science and Humanities, Neapolis University Pafosen_UK
dc.rightsΑπαγορεύεται η δημοσίευση ή αναπαραγωγή, ηλεκτρονική ή άλλη χωρίς τη γραπτή συγκατάθεση του δημιουργού και κάτοχου των πνευματικών δικαιωμάτωνen_UK
dc.subjectSoft Poweren_UK
dc.subjectNigeria Foreign Policyen_UK
dc.subjectCultural Diplomacyen_UK
dc.subjectWest Africaen_UK
dc.subjectRegional Stabilityen_UK
dc.subjectAfrican Geopoliticsen_UK
dc.subjectEducational Exchangesen_UK
dc.subjectHumanitarian Assistanceen_UK
dc.subjectPeace Buildingen_UK
dc.titleThe Role Of Soft Power In Nigeria’s Foreign Policy Towards ECOWAS States, 2000-2023en_UK
dc.title.alternativeThis thesis was submitted for distance acquisition of a postgraduate degree in Information Systems and Digital Innovation at Neapolis Universityen_UK

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